Carrier Categories: Train Companies and Spain
- Description
Spain is closer than you think.
Travel directly to Madrid or Barcelona from 13 French cities.
Whatever your reason for travel: A business trip, romance, or a getaway with friends, enjoy France and Spain with the SNCF (France) and Renfe (Spain) high-speed rail network partnership linking 13 French cities to Madrid and Barcelona, with stops in Girona and Figueras.
Perpignan<>Barcelona (1h19), Montpellier<>Barcelona (2h50), Nîmes<>Barcelona (3h18) and Toulouse<>Barcelona (3h07), Aix-en-Provence<>Barcelona (4h03), Avignon<>Barcelona (3h41), Lyon<>Barcelona (4h53), Marseille<>Barcelona (4h17) and Valence (4h16), Paris<>Barcelona (6h25)
Aix-en-Provence<>Madrid (6h49), Avignon<>Madrid (6h27), Marseille<>Madrid (7h03), Montpellier<>Madrid (5h36), and Nîmes<>Madrid (6h04)
- Photos
- Where to Book your Reservation
Click your country link 90 days before you travel for the most savings and peace of mind. To book a train pick your country of reference below. Buy all your Tickets online. CLICK on the link for your home country to see information in your language and check Real Time Schedules, Prices and Travel Times and make A SECURE PURCHASE.
France and European City to City Train Tickets:
Train travel offers you downtown to downtown comfortable and efficient rail service. No hassle with early arrivals, delays, and luggage security checks. You can take unlimited weight and reasonably bulky items on board. European rail is the way to travel and really see the French countryside. USA > UK > Argentina > Australia > Belgium-Fr > Belgium-Nl > Brazil > Canada > France > France Promotions > France Groups 10-30 people > GCC Countries > Germany > Hong Kong > India > Israel > Italy > Japan-Jp > Mexico, Central America, Caribbean > Netherlands > New Zealand > Singapore > South Africa > Spain > Switzerland-Fr > Switzerland-De > Rest of the world (English) > Rest of the world (Español) > 中国 > 香港 > 日本 > 한국 > 新加坡
Train Passes:
If you are traveling by train on 5 different days or more in one or a few European countries then buying a European Rail Pass could be to your budgetary advantage compared to ‘point-to-point' tickets. Click below to see Rail Pass options. For European citizens use the point-to-point links above, the Rail Pass access is on the same page. USA > Argentina > Australia > Brazil > Canada > GCC Countries > Hong Kong > India > Israel > Japan-Jp > Mexico, Central America, Caribbean > New Zealand > Singapore > South Africa > Rest of the world (English) > Rest of the world (Español) > 中国 > 香港 > 日本 > 한국 > 新加坡
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