How do I read the schedules boards at stations?

More and more electronic Departure and Arrival screens are being used. Verify that you’re looking at the correct board (Départs > Departure / Arrivés > Arrival):

Departure and arrival info-screens at Montparnasse, Paris, train station

On the 1st line of the top-left screen, you can see the 14h48 (2:48 pm) train for Nantes. The ‘6’ on the right is the departure track. Departure tracks are displayed about 20 minutes before departure, that’s why none of the others are visible yet.

The type of signboard below is found in the main station and displays departures and arrivals. The one below is for departures:

Train info-board. This one is for departing trains.

Departure time is in the left column (18:27 = 6:27 pm), then intermediary stops and final destination (Laroche-Migennes). Followed by the type of train (TER), its Number (91021 – which will be on your ticket) and finally the departure platform. (15 – which can be a number or a letter).

Notice that platform numbers for departures are only posted 20 minutes BEFORE departure (the 18:50 departure for Nice-Ville is not yet posted on the board above).

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