Nature beckons … Farms, Parks, Wildlife … family visits

So, your family is going to France, you’re looking for things to do to keep the kids off their ipads. Activities that get them outdoors, hopping, skipping and jumping and to top it off that stimulate their neurons. Read on.

What you need are . These are people who decided to come down to earth and who
love doing what they’re doing.

Family fun getting out in nature with the animals

Best of all, these dedicated entrepreneurs love to share their know-how and get a glitter in their eyes when they detect parents and children participating, smelling, tasting, enjoying and learning from their visits and stays.

Here are some ideas of what you can look out for and prepare for.

Wildlife and Animal Parks

Getting close-up (safely!) with animals is one thing both young and old enjoy, just watching the antics of monkeys and young cubs. Some zoos and aquariums have small pools with harmless baby sharks where you can caress their skin how hard yet streamline it really is.

All the shapes sizes and pricklies of Cactus as part of a botanical garden, where there can be herbal gardens showing you their use for treating our ailments. There are plants for dyes which you can transform and then use, plants for aromas in desserts but also in water, ingredients and especially in perfume. Ecology is now daily news, a trip to see living earth, life in the ponds and why not … an agricultural school.

On the Farm

Sounds like a cliche to children who maybe associate it with barns and pigs. Although they too can be interesting there are many other specialized areas of interest. There is a whole area of agriculture devoted to: pedagogical farms and workshops with hundreds of them scattered around France ready to welcome you open-armed whether it be for an afternoon or even a prolonged stay.

Some of the ‘calm excitement’ you can get involved in includes:; cheese making, bird watching, little shepherds, owls, deer and other animal breeding, bird migration, spices, rose cultivation, orchards and jams, horses, nuts-almonds and chocolate, chicks and oil presses, biscuits and milk products.

Check out the pedagogical farm link and do a Google phrase search including the city or region you’re visiting and words like pedagogical farm, visits, workshops.

Nothing better than taking some time to get in touch with nature .. it’s the basis of life … and there’s no better place to do it than in France.

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