Prestigious Parks & Gardens

Normandy is a horticultural heaven and boasts an extraordinary number of parks and gardens open to the public.

Splendid Chateau Gardens in Normandy

Splendid Chateau Gardens in Normandy

A wide range of garden styles are displayed, from simple cottage gardens to grand, formal schemes via walled kitchen gardens, botanical collections, subtropical plantations, landscaped “English style” gardens and authentic French Gardens.
Refresh your spirit amid the beautiful parks and gardens… let your imagination take you back three hundred years when linden trees were first planted at the “Château de Bosmelet”, or two hundred years when a cedar sapling was planted at the “Château de Miromesnil”, or gaze at the Monet favourite spot in the gardens of Giverny.

The garden at the Bois des Moutiers in Varengeville, or at the Château de Miromesnil near Dieppe, the incredible restoration of the Gardens at Château du Champ de Bataille reveal this exceptional beauty.

landscaped flowered parkland NormandyThere are gardens that house national collections, and beautifully landscaped parkland, home to exotic birds and animals. There are gardens where the focus is on regional plants and trees, and others where plants from overseas have been successfully replanted in Norman soil.

Normandy has embarked on a EU backed scheme in partnership with garden owners in Sussex to exchange information and ideas as well as promote the region covering both sides of the Channel to a wider audience in continental Europe.

The Normandy Tourist Board produces a booklet “Parks and Gardens” comprising a selection of gardens where you will be guaranteed a high standard of welcome and visit.

With four Regional Natural Parks to choose from in Normandy,

you will be spoilt for choice, space and scenery. Natural environments are protected and preserved in these splendid parks, with fabulous views of forests, valleys or maritime wetlands with extensive wildlife.

Enjoy them on foot, horse-back or by bike… take binoculars to appreciate the many bird species and highlands cattle… indulge in active pastimes such as climbing or canoeing … or just admire the splendor of historic buildings including abbeys, châteaux and traditional farmsteads

Normandy Seine Regional Natural Park
(Le Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande)
T: 0033(0)2 35 37 23 16 F: 0033(0)2 35 37 39 70

Normandy Regional Natural Park for water activities

Normandy Regional Natural Park for water activities

Normandy Maine Regional Natural Park
(Le Parc Naturel Régional Normandie Maine)
T: 0033(0)2 33 81 75 75 F: 0033(0)2 33 28 59 80

Cotentin & Bessin Regional Natural Park
(Le Parc Naturel Régional du Cotentin et du Bessin)
T: 0033(0)2 33 71 65 30 F: 0033(0)2 33 71 65 31

Enjoy the Natural Parks on foot, horse-back or by bike… take binoculars to appreciate the many bird species

Enjoy the Natural Parks on foot, horse-back or by bike… take binoculars to appreciate the many bird species

The Perche Regional Natural Park
(Le Parc Naturel Régional du Perche)
T: 0033(0)2 33 25 70 10 F: 0033(0)2 33 85 36 37

Also :
Normandy – Sussex GARDENS OF EUROPE
A garden on both sides of the Channel

In a unique European initiative, garden owners in Normandy and Sussex have combined to exchange expertise and ideas as well as to promote an area of unrivalled quality and beauty for garden lovers from all over the world.

For more information on the wealth of the garden visit opportunities in this very special part of Europe simply visit our dedicated website :

credits : Normandy Tourist Board

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