Special France Travel deals - Read before you prepare your trip

Special France Travel Deals – A Must Read Before you Prepare Your Trip

Special France travel deals. Tips for not only the best prices but also the best quality deals in France and Europe.

This post about special France travel deals is designed to make your mouth water. To throw some easy ideas your way for you to consider during the planning and preparation process for your next travel adventure … especially to France and Europe.

Special France Travel deals - Read before you prepare your trip

Special France Travel deals – Read before you prepare your trip

Timing is probably the most important component to consider.

Book your special France travel deals Early

Whether its plane, train, ferry, rental car, donkey or other modes of travel or accommodation, no matter what you’re after, the earlier you book the cheaper it’s going to be. We’re talking about 3 months before departure, that’s right, 90 days … that’s the best time to not just pick out, but purchase train tickets. They go on sale at that time and there’s only a limited number that get snapped up if you don’t act then.

It’s often the same with other modes of transport and accommodation. The rule is the sooner the better. I know of certain ski resorts where customers reserve one full year in advance. And hotels are willing to give discounts because they’d rather get a head start in filling up their establishment.

Remember also, that you’re going to get the best choice. In fact, you should ask for the seaside view … or the mountain view. Once I was in Hong Kong and got a poor room, actually overlooking the rooftop air-conditioning units! I immediately asked to see the manager and explained that I’d be spending a ‘certain amount’ of time in the room as I am a writer and Tourist website editor. She upgraded me and I got a splendid quiet room overlooking the harbor. You might be neither a writer nor a tourist website editor … but there are other reasons why you should be treated well … you’re on a romantic getaway … you’re there to rest and enjoy …

Book your special France travel deals late

Internet has changed everything. If you have nerves of steel and are hunting for surprises the ‘last minute’ deals are for you. Transporters and Accommodators want to fill up those last empty spots. Even if they go at half-price that’s better than zero Euros. All of the well-known travel website carry sections about this and some website are specifically devoted to ‘last-minute deals’. Depending on where you are in the world there are those sites that have ‘private’ mailing lists to which you can subscribe to keep informed. Search for ‘private or last minute, travel deals’.

Compare, using Agregators

You already know that the same products can have different prices simply because sellers either have more volume or lesser margins … or both. That’s why you need to be using ‘agregators’ … sites that compare various suppliers to give you the best options.

At BonjourLaFrance we use Expedia for travel, Booking for hotels (some accomodations fill 40% of their rooms through them … such volume, fortunately or unfortunately, forces the prices down), Rentalcars for rental cars and
DirectFerries for ferries.

Sharing – self-service

Here’s the overall principle:

Always eat where locals eat.
Always go where locals go.
Always shop where locals shop.
I can’t really add  ‘Always sleep where locals sleep’ … but I’d like to

And is one sense we can because locals are now opening their homes. There’s also bungalow camping and a whole experience stay. As you know this is being called the ‘uberization’ of tourism. Sure it’s an adventure, but isn’t that part of travel?

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