Water Activities – Swimming, Fishing, Boating … you have it all in France

Water Activities in France. From white-water rafting to canyoning to boating down the canals or relaxing on a beach, you’ll find it all in the Hexagon

With Rivers, seasides, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and canals the diversity of locations and variety of water activities is endless. Whether you’re looking for thrills and spills or plain leisure and relaxation water is the ideal medium to recharge your batteries. France is more than well endowed to cater to your tastes and whims.

White-water rafting in France. Thrills for all.

White-water rafting in France. Thrills for all.

The great outdoors satisfies the most varied demands: cruise and explore miles of rivers and canals, fly high with windsurfing, float listlessly in a sailing boat or speed it up with water-skiing or go for adventure with canoeing, rafting, tubing or wild water swimming.

From whitewater rafting in the gorges of Ardeche to canyoning in Verdon, from pedalos in Arcachon to sailing off of Pornic, from sailboarding (planche a voile) in Biarritz to initiation in scuba diving (bapteme de plongee) off the coast Cannes, from sailing the Mediterranean to rowing on the Marne near Paris, from rafting and canyoning in the Ubaye Valley to kayaking on the Verdon near Castellane, from marinas (port de plaisance) dotted along the shoreline of Languedoc-Roussillon to sailing adventures off of Marseille, from boat rentals in La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast, from canal boat rentals and sauntering through the locks and stops (halte fluviale) of Burgundy to hotel barging down the magical Canal du Midi … France is the response to all your dreams,

All these activities are practiced in exciting natural scenery, where you will make your wishes come true or be safely accompanied by professional guides, according to your age and sporting capacities.

And we haven’t even talked about the Cote d’Azur beaches, soft warm sand to stretch out on and sunbathe in mythical towns like Nice, St Tropez or St Raphael. The pleasures of a joyous seaside family holiday – the sea, the sand, the happy faces of children, the relaxation and catch-up reading, the comfortable pleasure of being all together during a warm and bright vacation with something for everyone.

A fishing lover? one of the world’s greatest fishing reservoirs is France. The diversity of fishing possibilities is amazing: choose from the Mediterranean sea to the Atlantic ocean or the myriad rivers and lakes. The choice is almost endless.

And we don’t want to forget your health with with the now widespread recourse to Thalassotherapy, the use of seawater for body and mind therapy. Thalassotherapy which means the ‘process of healing via the sea’ was probably originates right here in France, in the seaside resorts of Brittany during the 19th century. Refined and developed since then, today it is a recognized process of healing. Give it a try and be refreshed.

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