Carrier Categories: Train Companies and Spain
- Photos
- When to Book your Reservation
Booking opens from 120 to 90 days before departure. Purchases can be made up to time of departure by ordering if e-tickets that you can print out yourself are available.
- How to Book your Reservation
The easiest way to book France and European Rail is via the official secure websites established for this purpose. All the 'Buy Now' links to purchase rail tickets on BonjourLaFrance will direct you to the specific site for your country.
This has a number of advantages. Firstly, purchasing on such a site protects you from fraud and secondly these sites all have customer services in your language for your peace of mind. These services are accessible via the 'help' (or similar) links you'll find on the respective sites.
- Where to Book your Reservation
Click your country link 90 days before you travel for the most savings and peace of mind. To book a train pick your country of reference below. Buy all your Tickets online. CLICK on the link for your home country to see information in your language and check Real Time Schedules, Prices and Travel Times and make A SECURE PURCHASE.
France and European City to City Train Tickets:
Train travel offers you downtown to downtown comfortable and efficient rail service. No hassle with early arrivals, delays, and luggage security checks. You can take unlimited weight and reasonably bulky items on board. European rail is the way to travel and really see the French countryside. USA > UK > Argentina > Australia > Belgium-Fr > Belgium-Nl > Brazil > Canada > France > France Promotions > France Groups 10-30 people > GCC Countries > Germany > Hong Kong > India > Israel > Italy > Japan-Jp > Mexico, Central America, Caribbean > Netherlands > New Zealand > Singapore > South Africa > Spain > Switzerland-Fr > Switzerland-De > Rest of the world (English) > Rest of the world (Español) > 中国 > 香港 > 日本 > 한국 > 新加坡
Train Passes:
If you are traveling by train on 5 different days or more in one or a few European countries then buying a European Rail Pass could be to your budgetary advantage compared to ‘point-to-point' tickets. Click below to see Rail Pass options. For European citizens use the point-to-point links above, the Rail Pass access is on the same page. USA > Argentina > Australia > Brazil > Canada > GCC Countries > Hong Kong > India > Israel > Japan-Jp > Mexico, Central America, Caribbean > New Zealand > Singapore > South Africa > Rest of the world (English) > Rest of the world (Español) > 中国 > 香港 > 日本 > 한국 > 新加坡
- Service Classes
These are local commuter trains generally for short distance. Very nice but not parlicular services.
- Mobility access
People with reduced mobility have access to attendants for help in designated stations. High speed trains are specially equipped for wheelchair placement. If you need help getting through the station and/or getting onto the train, please call 902 24 05 05.
- Luggage
All ticketed passengers may carry up to three pieces of luggage, under their supervision and responsibility, in the areas designated for this purpose. The sum of the dimensions of the three items may not exceed 290 cm, and the largest of the three may not exceed the following dimensions: 85 x 55 x 35 cm (height-width-depth). The total weight of the three may not exceed 25 kg.
The following are also considered hand luggage: Baby seats and pushchairs, as long as they are folded. Musical instruments in their cases, as long as their dimensions do not exceed 30 x 120 x 38 cm. Folded or dismantled bicycles inside a carrying case, as long as the sum of the dimensions does not exceed 180 cm.
On Conventional Medium Distance, Suburban Trains and Metric Gauge trains, it is not necessary for folding bicycles to be transported in a carrying case.
- Lost & Found
All lost property or is registered and returned to their rightful owners, where possible. Make a request with proper justification and payment of any applicable costs, including transport to a location other than where they were found.
You can call: Renfe Telephone Service Centre: +34 902 320 320.
- Food, Snacks & Drinks
There is no food service but you are free to bring your own food and beverages.
- Pets onboard
You can take one pet in a carrier that allows waste removal, with dimensions not exceeding 60 x 35 x 35 cm. It must meet all lawful sanitary and security conditions and have necessary documentation. Transportation is limited to small pets, defined as dogs, cats, ferrets and birds (not poultry), having a weight not exceeding 10 kg.
Transportation is free when the traveler has a ticket office for Club, Preferred and Gran classes or similar. For all other classes the price us 25% of an Economy Class seat.
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